Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Why I'm a Teacher Leader, and You Can Be Too

Sometimes when I am passionately sharing my latest professional development project or an inquiry lesson I'm collaborating on I receive a puzzled look and the question, "But I thought you were a librarian?"   I am a librarian, a teacher librarian, but if your perspective on my role is that of a traditional librarian I can understand this confusion.  So I would like to share why, as a teacher librarian, I am qualified to be a teacher leader.

1.  I actively seek out and participate in professional growth opportunities that will broaden my perspective and understanding on both instruction and content specific standards.
2.  I share new information and resources with my learning community, both locally and digitally.
3.  I embrace new challenges and educational shifts as I look for the opportunities within them.
4.  I am willing to fail, to reflect, and to grow as I try new things.
5.  I recognize and value the expertise of other educators.
6.  I collaborate and communicate with colleagues both locally and digitally.
7.  I celebrate the success of both students and colleagues.
8.  I try to always keep students central in my planning and decision making.

I don't believe leadership is reserved for those with a particular degree, title, or certification.  I believe leadership is an action that can be taken by any educator.  It means taking responsibility to be part of a team looking for solutions rather than focusing on problems.  It means being proactive, while listening to the concerns and voices of other educators.  
I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to be a part of an amazing leadership team, and I will not apologize for the work I do there.  If anyone would like to join me in leading there's always room for more voices.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, teacher librarian friend! Though I am not at all connected to your field, your list of qualifications to be a teacher leader resonate with the passion inside me for my own field. :)
