Life is good, so why does it feel like I have lost sight of that?
I have allowed our family (in my house, as keeper of the family schedule, this is a responsibility that I must bear) to cross the line from a full life into a busy life. These are two very distinct things in my mind, and in our home they feel very different. God has given us a wonderfully full life, with lots of people to share it with, purposeful activities, and opportunities to grow. When we start focusing on "maximizing the schedule" and leave no room for reflection and relaxation we have left that place of fullness and are unable to enjoy the blessings God has given us.
I am ready to fight back. It is hard for me to say no, but sometimes as the mom that is my job. I believe our family is supposed to maintain a full life, but we are not meant to stay in constant motion.
We will leave room for feeling satisfied, and I believe that will allow our family to recognize all that we have to be thankful for instead of feeling driven to find the next thing to do all the time. We will "be still, and know that [He] is God" (Psalm 46:10).